Before Your Appointment

  • Please come to your appointment clean faced if possible, makeup will be removed from the treatment area and is not recommended to be reapplied afterwards.

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure.

  • Do not tan or have a sunburned face.

  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure.

  • No alcohol or caffeine on the day of the procedure.

  • Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

  • The numbing we use is the highest amount of topical numbing we are allowed to use. We use two separate kinds of numbing as well as a soothing soap during the procedure. If you are allergic or do not take numbing well please note this is an invasive procedure.

After Your Appointment

  • No cleansers, creams, makeup or any other products on treated area for 10 days minimum.

  • 4-5 hours after the procedure, clean the area with clean water and a cotton pad, gauze or q-tip and pat dry.

  • Apply repair product 1-2 times a day after cleaning brows. Do not exceed 2 times unless told otherwise.

  • Do not rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3-4 weeks after procedure. Excessive sun exposure can cause scarring.

  • Avoid heavy sweating for the first 10 days. This will push the pigment out of the skin.

  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.

  • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days.

Please note: The tattoo will appear darker and bolder due to natural scabbing and healing for the first 10 days. This is very common for all microblading / permanent cosmetic procedures.

 Permanent makeup is not recommended for any clients who are or have:

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Diabetic

  • Compromised immune system

  • Hormonal complications

  • Undergoing Chemotherapy [consult your doctor]

  • Viral infections and/or diseases

  • Currently using Retinol / Retin A products

  • Epilepsy

  • A Pacemaker or major heart problems

  • Had an Organ transplant

  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area [rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.]

  • Sick [cold, flu, etc.]

  • Had Botox in the past 2 months

  • Used Accutane in the past year

    **Some people can still be accepted upon obtaining a doctors note. 

Important information for specific treatment

  • Lips - Must have a prescription for Valtrex or similar if you have ever had a cold sore or fever blister [HPV sore outbreaks can occur with trauma to the lip area] 

  • Eyeliner - You must stop using lash growth / enhancement serums 8 weeks prior to your appointment. The serums increase blood flow to the area and will disrupt the service and retention negatively. No contacts, remove these before service. No lash extensions, these can compromise the results and the quality of our machine.

Whats Included


  • Aftercare [repair product & instructions]

  • Touch-up appointment 

  • Eyeliner clients receive cooling eye pads